Life-Threatening Illness & Chronic Pain Reflection Circle

Do you have a life-threatening illness, ongoing palliative diagnosis or chronic pain? In this intimate circle you’ll experience being fully seen, heard and honored as a result of being deeply present with your own and the sovereignty of others. This circle is a confidential and supportive space where you can freely be with all that is present in your life. Based on the ancient practice of a talking circle, we come together to listen, learn, and share from the heart. We co-create a space for genuine connection and curiosity as we dive into exactly where we are in the moment.

Within the structure of the circle, there is no hierarchy; each person's presence is equally important. In this sacred space, a collective wisdom is rendered and we emerge new in our revelations.

No circle experience needed, all are welcome

Book Your Complementary Discovery Call With Christine

Session Details

8 Zoom sessions

$400 per person

Tentative Session Dates

To begin when all 12 seats are filled


Christine Comaford

End-of-Life Doula affiliated with UCSF Palliative Care, By The Bay Health, and ANX Hospice.

Perhaps illness got you here. Now let's see how this experience will support you in coming home to yourself. In seeing your wholeness outside of the illness. In letting others see you and in expanding your capacity to see others.

You’ll experience:

  •  A deep feeling of homecoming and wholeness within yourself
  • True deep connection with self and others
  • The peace of knowing we all have our own best answers
  • Increased self-trust and self-acceptance 
  • Active listening skills to release the desire to fix/judge/compare
Book Your Complementary Discovery Call With Christine