Offerings & Events

Death Cafe Event Calendar:

September 26, 2024 at 4:00-5:30 pm: Book Passage Bookstore Corte Madera

October 24, 2024 at 4:00-5:30 pm: Book Passage Bookstore Corte Madera
November 21, 2024 at 4:00-5:30 pm: Book Passage Bookstore Corte Madera

December 12, 2024 at 4:00-5:30 pm: Book Passage Bookstore Corte Madera

Come join us for a warm, welcoming, life-affirming gathering where we explore the sacredness of being human. 


The death café model was invented in London in 2011 as a way for people to come together and share their reflections on life and explorations of death.


This is a gently moderated gathering, with no advice given, no judgment, all are given a chance to speak. You will leave with a heart full of love for the human experience.

Patient Support

Reiki And Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Processing, Preparation For Death, Vigil

Caregiver Support

Emotional Balancing, Grief Processing, Home Energy Balance & Clearing

Community Support

Monthly Death Cafe Onsite In Marin County, Growth & Change Circle, Life-Threatening Illness & Chronic Pain Circle

“May I just say that you’ve actually made my death process fun at times?! You customized my experience and even brought my family together—after years of being at odds with one another. Masterful! Thank you!”

- Tammy, San Rafael

“Oh Christine, how you have helped me to find my voice and say what needs to be said to my loved ones so I may leave this life feeling complete. Thank you so much.”

- Dede, Fairfax